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A Guide to the NCFREE Data Dashboard

How-to: Redistricting Comparison

The Redistricting Comparison tab shows a visual representation of the changes between the 2018 and 2020 district maps. In this quick video tutorial, learn how to use NCFREE’s Redistricting Comparison Dashboard. Additional  information is available through a NCFREE subscription. Email to inquire about more information.

How-to: Candidate Filing Dashboard

In this quick video tutorial, learn how to get the most out of NCFREE’s Candidate Filing Dashboard!


The Campaign Finance Overview provides top lines of the party breakdown by percentage and the total amount of PAC money raised in the 2018 election cycle as compared to the current 2020 cycle. The overview breaks down the PAC contributions by industries and by the top 100 PACs. If you click on an individual PAC total, the top five PAC transactions appear along with the amount of money that corresponds with that transaction.

The “Unknown” affiliation means that the money in that category was not assigned to a particular party or partisan effort. Additional financial information on PACs is available through a NCFREE subscription. Email to inquire about more information.

Campaign Money Recipients

The Campaign Money Recipients tab illustrates the breakdown by party affiliation of those who received PAC contributions. Additional PAC recipient information is available through a NCFREE subscription. Email to inquire about more information.



The North Carolina Partisan District Index (NCPDI) shows the state’s view of the partisan rating for the House, Senate and Congress. When you click on the individual districts, the profile for the district appears and shows viewers how the district has changed over time.



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